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Medicine Kitchen Post-Detox yearly membership at £10 a month includes: 


It is imperative that you keep consuming Ayurvedic medicine food, packed with essential nutrition and natural intelligence, after your cleanse. As part of our yearly membership, you will receive specialised member's access to video guides on how to cook traditional Ayurvedic medicine meals (Poha, Mung Dhaal & Kitchari) by our Ayurveda expert and therapist Pushy Kaur. 



A subscription to our quarterly newsletter, Medicine Kitchen. Our newsletter presents features and articles on Ayurveda that can’t be found elsewhere. It is an excellent way to continue your education in Ayurvedic medicine & science and to keep up with events, workshops and courses led by Medicine Kitchen. 

Natural Herbs


A 5% discount on Ayurvedic herbs, oils and health products in our retail store and online. 

Bespoke personal cooking workshop

Medicine Kitchen offer a personal cooking workshop in the comfort of your own home. You will experience authentic, theraputic cooking like never before. We teach you the ancient art of Ayurvedic cooking, where you will learn how to make the traditional medicinal food you ate in your cleanse (Poha, Mung Dhaal and Kitchari). We will bring all the ingredients you will need to this workshop, and teach you face to face, how to cook true, traditional Ayurvedic medicine. 

Image by Annie Spratt

Handy reminders:

Fresh Lemon & Ginger tea recipe

This Lemon Ginger morning Detox Drink is a great way to start your day.  It’s rich with vitamin c, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory and detoxifying benefits that help gently cleanse and alkalize the body, and it’s also a great immune system booster. 

Traditional Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) Yoga

Surya Namaskar, also known as 'The Ultimate Asana', strengthens your back as well as your muscles and brings down blood sugar levels. It also improves metabolism and blood circulation (hence, a glowing skin) and ensures regular menstrual cycle for women.



Pippali helps in weight loss due to the presence of active compound piperine that has thermogenic (heat producing) effect and antioxidant property. This helps to improve body's metabolism and thus promotes weight loss by eliminating toxins from the body.





Triphala, has been used as a healing remedy for over 1,000 years; an ancient herbal remedy with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. Triphala has various health benefits, such as improving oral and digestive health and supporting skin healing. 



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Golden Milk

Ayurvedic Golden Milk benefits include arthritis, sleep, immunity, skin health and mental health. It helps to prevent degenerative brain diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, boosts memory and reduces symptoms of anxiety.



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